Disasters can be in many forms including: hurricanes, flash floods, tornadoes, earthquake, blizzards, fires, hazardous material spills and acts of terrorism. You can not always predict how, when and where a disaster will occur but you can always learn to prepare for it.
There are a couple of things that you can do to hep lessen the impact of the emergency.
1) Create a disaster Kit- You can find recommedations for the American Red Cross and Department of Homeland Security. Below is a general list of items that should be included.
- Water- Use plastic containers instead of glass or cardboard to store water. You should have a 3-day supply of water for each family member. Each person needs about a gallon of water each day.
- Food- Have a three day supply of non-perishable food items ready in your kit. Choose things that do not require cooking or refrigeration.
- If you need to heat something, get a Sterno can and matches.
- First Aid Kit- You should have one at home and in your car. Make sure to include bandages, gauze, over the counter medicines, soaps, antiseptic and other first aid items.
- Make sure you pack flashlights, radios, batteries, signal flares, matches, tapes, can opener and other tools. Also pack sanitary items such as toilet paper, personal hygiene supplies and disposable plastic bags.
- Have at least one change of clothes and shoes per family member. Also include blankets.
- Make sure that you have all the special medications and or accommodations for each family member. This includes infants, elderly or the disabled.
Have an emergency plan on effect. Each family member should know each others numbers as well as local emergency numbers. Make sure everyone knows where they will meet during a disaster.
Practice your disaster plan in advance of the impending emergency. Plan ahead, don't wait till the final hour to try and put a plan together. Hopefully, this information will be useful to everyone who reads this. BE SAFE, BE PREPARED.