Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Black History Month, is it still significant?

Recently, I have talked to a lot of Black (African American) people regarding this issue and have came away with varied opinions. Some feel that they can no longer see the importance of Black History Month. Others feel that it should be celebrated all year long. Why is it celebrated in February, which is the shortest month? How do you feel about the issue.

Black History is American History.

I agree that people should learn about Black History all year long, not just in February. But I believe there is still a need for Black History Month. There are many children, black children that do no know their History. Of course, they know about Martin Luther King Jr.,  Malcolm X and Rosa Parks. However, when you mention the names of Ida B. Wells- Barnett, Dr. Charles Drew, Jan Matzeliger, Daniel Hale Williams and many more, they have no clue whom you are speaking of.

To quote Bob Marley: "If you know your history, then you would know where you coming from,"
" Too many of us make up our own reasons for why things happen without first gaining the knowledge."
Knowledge is definitely power.

How can you take pride in your race if you do not know where you came from? If you do not realize that many of the items that are in your daily life were  invented by blacks. Freedoms that you take for granted, prior generations fought and died for.

I hate this old expression:  “If you want to hide something from a Black person, put it in a book.”

However, all the info I just mentioned are in books. When is the last time you opened a book or research something about your history. It is time to wake up and not wait for someone else to tell you what you should already know.

My personal experience: In college I took and African American History Course 1865-Present. The professor was black. Out of 20 students, 6 were Black, 1 White and the rest were from various countries in Africa. It was disappointing that I was the only Black student with an A. let alone a grade higher than a D. The white student also had and A and got so bored with the course, that he only came for tests.

The African students could not understand why the Black American students knew little about their own history. Sometimes, it even baffled the professor how they knew about our history. I came out the class with a perfect grade. But I can't say the same about the others. I take my history and present very seriously,. This started from an early age. I also read books and studied about the less famous but equally important figures in our history because to me, Black History was just as important as what was taught as American History. They are both on in the same. I don't wait for anyone to tell me what I should already know myself

So, in my opinion, Black History Month is still significant. And it is just that, an opinion based on facts and experiences.

What are your Thoughts? Please share.

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