Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Can Your Job Actually Be Making You Sick

Can you job actually be making you sick? That is a good question. Can you job actually be making you sick, literally. Do you dread Monday mornings and all the happiness of the weekend drain away. Do you suffer from headaches, nausea and other sicknesses.

For one thing, too much stress from the workplace is not a good thing. It is proven that people in medium or high stress jobs visit family doctors more often than those in low stress job. There is also medical evidence that suggests that stress can adversely affect an individual's immune system therefore increase their chances for diseases. You job can also make you emotionally sick. Long term exposure to stress and cortisol released when you are stressed can KILL you.

But how can you tell if your job is making you sick. First you have to understand that there is stress related illness and environmental issues. How do you know the difference?

Stress related illness is when a stressful job is so upsetting that it is manifesting itself in physical symptoms. Some signs include dreading going to work each day, not being able to eat while at work and not sleeping well. More severe symptoms include panic attacks and hot flashes.

Environmental related illnesses deal with your actual working environment, the building, carpet, furniture and materials you use on a daily basis. Some people develop severe allergies to things commonly used in our physical environment. You could be highly allergic to just about any chemical, including industrial cleaners, perfumes, colognes and other chemicals around the office. It can be as severe as fainting from the odors or more subtle like a headaches or nausea while at work.

Get the opinion of a medical professional (i.e, Doctor) to rule out other issues and get to the root of your illness. 

So once you have determined that it is stress from your job is definitely making you ill, what can you do about it? Is there any way to avoid the stress.

This will be discussed in a future blog.

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